WA Real is a repository of Real Human Stories, Perspectives and Wisdom to provoke greater conscious living in Western Australia and Beyond. As one of Perth’s longest running podcasts, the 200+ episode catalogue gives you access to an amazingly diverse range of people covering a fascinating range of topics, views and perspectives – which is key to more conscious living! The long form interview format, provides the space to explore nuance and depth which is where the Truths of our Human Experience lie. Enjoy!
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
I enjoyed a conscious conversation with Alison Jarred, Founder of Conscious Unity Foundation and Co-Creator of Damanhur in Australia.
Alison shares her view on the world currently through the lens of her 30 years of dedicated study of esoteric knowledge and practice for the purpose for assisting the evolutionary shift towards “unity consciousness”.
Alison puts forward that we are currently being forced to go within ourselves as we are entering a collective ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ that will open us up further to connecting and processing the energy that surrounds us.
While the conversation is far ranging, covering so many fascinating perceptions and explanations, it also serves as safe space for others to recognise and legitimise many of the unseen or ‘not so normal’ experiences that happen to so many of us but of which we simply don’t speak about for fear of ridicule.
This isn’t just about sitting on the edges offering quasi sage advice. As you will find further in the conversation, Alison, and the people she practises with, have a mission and a very practical and forward thinking approach the use of this knowledge to bring about change in the world on an energetic level.
For the listener, you can feel Alison’s wealth of experience as she clearly and articulately explains many of the unseen forces that many of us are experiencing currently.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
I enjoyed a conscious conversation with Dr. Judy Wilyman.
In 2015, after leaving a 15+ years being a science teacher and following her curiosity and concern sparked by observing an abnormal rise in allergies and learning disorders in the children she was teaching, Dr. Judy completed her PHD entitled ‘A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’.
What followed was nothing short of a drama out of Netflix – intense media scrutiny, actives steps to discredit her, lobbyist pressure to remove her PHD from the University of Wollongong’s Library and website and much more.
In this conversation Dr. Judy explains vaccine theory, ‘undone’ science, the lack of rigorous and legal accountability surrounding vaccines as well as the numerous conflicts of interest that pervade the Australian Scientific and Government Regulatory and decision-making bodies.
What shines through for me are the major questions about just how much we, and particular key state decision makers, lay our trust on scientists for many of our major answers – something that potentially applies to not only to vaccines but also the Governmental respond to COVID-19.
Dr Judy is a regular mother who is concerned for her children and the society we live in - the impact of all of this is laid bare within the conversation. What is interesting is the scale of the backlash because she dared to question.
For the listener, ultimately this comes down to a question of sovereignty over your own body, and for your children, and just how much responsibility and ownership you are willing to take over that.
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
I enjoyed a conscious conversation with good friend and previous guest Paul Holliday, creator of the Human Excellence Project.
In a former life Paul was a mortgage broker and he shares his long held concern about the financial system, burdening debt and the systemic failure in the past to deal with the real issue at hand. He suggests it is now time that we have a serious review of our relationship with capitalism in its form.
While the conversation goes further into the impact of the Covid shake up to the world, state of mental health, fake online gurus, drama triangles and much more; time and again the common element that we continue to return to is the impact of capitalism effecting and directing people’s choices and behaviours.
This was a great conversation between two men, both 45, trying to make sense of the world – much like many of us. While it’s serious in parts there’s also a lot of humour as well.
Monday Jun 22, 2020
#156 Change can happen in a moment - A conscious conversation with Davey Rowe
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Take a very real journey through the life of one man, Davey Rowe, and deep inner stories that drove him from very humble beginnings in the north east of England, to building one of WA’s premier Air Conditioning Company’s Vortech, to seeing the company fold but then reemerging from the ashes to build the EQ Wellness Centre in Wangara.
This is a truly fascinating story on so many levels that packed full of life’s golden nuggets – going out into the world as a young man, building a multi-million-dollar business, the highs and lows of life’s journey and opening up to yourself and unleashing the beauty and power within.
Again, the extra depth of this conversation is Davey’s recognition of the deep stories at a belief level that he took on board as a child that drove him to all his successes but then passed its ‘use by date’ and became the major factor in his undoing.
Davey is a very open, honest and lovable man who has done ‘the work’ within, which makes this such and an approachable and powerful conversation.
For the listener, in addition to being drawn into Davey’s journey you will be challenged to consider the stories that lie deep within yourself.
Monday Jun 15, 2020
#155 Happiness is an inside job - A conscious conversation with Garry Ryan
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
This week I enjoyed a conscious conversation with previous guest Garry Ryan, breathwork and shamanic healer.
Garry shares how, through his work, he views the world through an ‘energy lens’ – whether love or fear, is this mine energy or has someone imprinted it upon me - which really helps to provide a framework for understanding life on a deeper level and make more conscious choices.
The conversation is deep and varied and we focus on a number of areas including the victim/persecutor/helper drama triangle that is put upon us and enslaves us, questioning whether the voice in your head is really yours, the potential role of the moon in all of this and the role of the human DNA design to bring peace to the universe.
Garry has a fantastic view and perspective on ‘doing life’ from many angles and I super enjoyed this conversation as you’ll gather listening to me.
For the listener, you’ll again go on a fantastic journey of viewing what may well be happening from another point of view and in the process have your own horizons and beliefs challenged.
Monday Jun 08, 2020
#154 What if it were true? A conscious conversation with Tash Kelly
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
I enjoyed a conscious conversation with previous guest Tash Kelly, conscious explorer and dreamer.
In this beautifully exploratory conversation with Tash, we held space to share observations and reflections about the recent shifts in the way we do life and the energy that surrounds that.
There is a strong emphasis throughout of letting go of our need for control and introducing more allowing as a key part of the modus operandi of life - particularly in these uncertain times.
By adopting this leading edge approach to life, we explore how it opens up space to experience what is to be, opens up greater possibility and possibility in front of us and also opens the gateway for a true connection to energies and intelligence that are so much bigger and expansive than we can perceive.
As always Tash brought her magical and inquisitive self, which really sets the tone and foundation that made this conversation possible.
For the listener, you will go on a fantastic journey of what may well be happening currently on a very deep level and you will be asked to consider – if just for a brief moment – what if it any of it were true?
Monday Jun 01, 2020
#153 - Understand my Addiction to Knowing - Bryn Edwards
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
A gift, an invitation, the sharing of one man’s truth, an energetic calling card or signature frequency broadcast – call it what you want.
In this episode I piece together observations and revelations from ‘doing my own life’, 100’s of podcasts and legacy interviews and many other authentic and real experiences.
- How I’ve become addicted to ‘Knowing’ stuff and staying there
- The Impact of the addiction to ‘Knowing’
- Why there’s a need for me to comfortably sit in the Unknown
- The Challenge to face myself in the Mirror and say ‘I don’t Know’
- Extending beyond my limited sense of identity
- True Leadership across all aspects of my life
- The beauty of connecting to something bigger than myself
I felt it important to release this as a podcast episode as I watch so many cling on to that they know during the disrupted time influenced by Corona Virus.
Monday May 25, 2020
#152 - Who Really Am I? - Chris Jackson
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Go further into considering just who you really are with business coach Chris Jackson.
Chris explains how he takes clients deep into themselves, connecting with their soul, in order to truly align their life direction, business and relationships to their true purpose and identity.
This conversation goes super deep super quick, as Chris and I explore consciousness, our connection to something bigger than ourselves and what the current changing environment is teaching us about our identity.
Chris makes what could be a confronting conversation really approachable and will leave the listener considering just what else there is to learn about yourself.
Monday May 18, 2020
#151 The Herbalist – Dipaunka Macrides
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Tap into over 35+ years of powerful healing herb and plant knowledge with renowned Perth based Herbal Alchemist Dipaunka Macrides.
From start to finish in this episode, Dipaunka shares his knowledge, philosophies, teachings and wisdom when it comes to working with and appreciating herbs. He goes further than just talking about the chemistry of the plant, he explains the energetics of how they combine to effect the impact on the human body that they do. We cover so many topics and applications.
Dipaunka is a super passionate and knowledgeable man and you can tell that this episode is only scratching the surface of his vast knowledge; I felt it was a real privilege that he chose to share this with me on the podcast.
For the listener, you will be given an abundance of simple options that can be added to your kitchen that will not only enhance the flavour of meals but significantly contribute to your health without having to reach for the pharmaceuticals.
The encyclopaedic volume of knowledge packed into this episode many well be too much for one listening of this episode - but that’s ok, because the episode is going nowhere, and you can listen to it over and over again!
Monday May 11, 2020
#150 Chatterbox Public Speaking – Shil Shanghavi
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
While the ability to speak confidently in public is one of the most important keys to success, it also brings up one of our most primal fundamental fears.
So, take an exploration into public speaking with founder of Chatterbox Public Speaking and TEDx Speaker Coach, Shil Shanghavi.
Shil shares his own journey of overcoming a significant childhood stutter to where he is now and how his greatest challenge (his kryptonite) has become is super strength.
Shil breaks down the art of public speaking, sharing key tips as well as a deeper dive into the fears that public speaking elicits.
While on one level you would expect Shil to present well given his background, however it is his humanity and vulnerability that shine through in this conversation, which make it a truly engaging and enlightening podcast.