WA Real is a repository of Real Human Stories, Perspectives and Wisdom to provoke greater conscious living in Western Australia and Beyond. As one of Perth’s longest running podcasts, the 200+ episode catalogue gives you access to an amazingly diverse range of people covering a fascinating range of topics, views and perspectives – which is key to more conscious living! The long form interview format, provides the space to explore nuance and depth which is where the Truths of our Human Experience lie. Enjoy!
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
#81 Marcelo Mesquita – Intense Health
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Prepare to get intense and focused on the true nature of exercise with Marcelo Mesquita, owner of Intense Health, which fuses world leading scientific research with cutting-edge technology to create a new and very powerful approach to exercise. Originally from Brazil, Marcelo speaks about how after being enrolled at a gym by his mother he was immediately drawn to the buzz of sharing his learning with others to effect change in the life of others and how that was the catalyst to where he is today. Marcelo also tells how it was the injuries and decline in his own quality of life from following conventional exercise wisdom that forced him to question the overall paradigm and search for ‘another way’. This led him to develop his own High Intensity Resistance protocol and combine it with cutting edge technology to produce an exercise program that is super focused on only the core essence of exercise and delivers superior results in less time. This is a fascinating conversation that really makes you reflect on what exactly exercise is, the role it plays in your life and how we need to keep putting our bodies under stress to develop and grow otherwise they atrophy and our standard of life with it.
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
#80 Peter Sage – Live your Truth
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Peter Sage is a well-known international & serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide to reinvent themselves. Peter share his own journey to becoming who he is today and some of the epiphanies that have shaped him along the way. Peter shares some of his key teachings about how the patterns of care and love from our parents shape us to this day, the two major realisations that until discovered hold us back and the 3 games we all have to play in life. Peter also goes deep into explaining the 4 levels of consciousness that govern how we approach life. Peter goes on to share how all this was put to the test as he found himself in Pentonville high security prison for 4.5 months of a 6 months sentence as the only non-criminal inmate. This is a hugely powerful conversation with a man who everyday lives his truth and you can feel it in his words.
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
#79 Eddie Harran – Your relationship with Time
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Take time to listen and reflect on one of life’s deepest guiding fundamentals – Time – with time expert, Eddie Harran. Eddie talks about how and why exploring time, as a fundamental that underpins life, has become his passion in his effort to impact humanity for good. He introduces the concept of Time Literacy, how we talk about time and the words we use that reveal our core guiding beliefs regarding time. He introduces terms such as “Time Blindness”, “Time Sightedness” and “Time Health” as well as how there are many times at play through the Greek terms Chronos (objective time of the watch) and Kairos (subjective time of the moment or action). Eddie also puts forward how time can be perceived as a resource as well as a navigation tool. For all these terms and concepts Eddie discusses how they show up in life and take effect. Eddie and Bryn also discuss the potential role and impact of focusing on time literacy in personal transformation and bending time to access the wisdom of both your past and your future. This is a hugely thought-provoking conversation on a topic that we seldom take time to reflect upon and yet is so fundamental to everything we decide and do.
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
#78 Dr. Steven Bright – Journey into Psychedelics
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Learn about the world and use of psychedelics with psychologist, thought leader, research pioneer, policy advocate and senior university lecturer Dr. Steven Bright. Steven shares how his desire to impart evidence to inform and shape the bigger public discussion about drug use and policy was the catalyst for him to take the career risks, in the world of conservative academia, that have got him to where he is today. He also talks about his more hands-on support work at large festivals and events through ‘pill testing’ and ‘trip sitting’. Steven provides a detailed, insightful and amusing history of man’s relationship with psychoactive drugs and why we are drawn to their use. Steven talks about a key part of his current work – the trials and use of psychedelic assisted therapy for PTSD, depression and anxiety; which is truly fascinating. Steven and Bryn also have a in depth discussion about the mystical element of psychedelics and where they ‘take’ people to. Steven provides a wealth of information, mixed with passion, in an area that is becoming more and more of interest to people who wish to expand their horizons and perspectives.
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
#77 Lachlan Samuel – Open Up: You’re more than enough
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Founder and host of Open Up podcast, Lachlan Samuel, is on the other side of the microphone as he delivers a super honest and raw account of his story. Lachlan begins by sharing how he was caught up in highs and lows of WA FIFO culture and the impact it had on him, his self-image and his relationships. It was this impact that left him feeling that the world would be better off without him and lead him to attempt suicide. Lachlan’s story however doesn’t stop there, he talks about the process and reaction to sharing his attempted suicide with others and also his further brushes with suicide including those around him who had impacted his life so significantly. The most impressive thing is his continued work on himself and how he has unravelled the source of the stories that have defined and dictated his life – which lead to even more revelations. This work now includes giving back and serving the community through his Open Up podcast and support group. Lachlan also talks with great optimism about the future of mental health in Western Australia. It was a true privilege to create a space to for this story to be told and shared with this very brave man.
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
#76 Barry De Jong – Making decisions: air traffic control
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Take a deep dive into the fascinating world of air traffic control with Perth Air Traffic Control line manager Barry De Jong. A veteran of 38 years in the career, Barry tells the story of how he became an air traffic controller, some of the major changes he’s seen in the role and how he’s kept himself motivated in the same career for such a long time. Through discussing keys skills of an air traffic controller and how they can be transferred to everyday life, the conversation yields some fascinating insights and context about decision making and not over thinking things – someone we are all guilt of from time to time. Barry’s wisdom from years of service really do shine through and you will be struck by his enormous gratitude for the opportunities his careers and his life in WA has provided him. Barry and Bryn also discuss the importance of having personal goals outside of work as Barry talks through some of his numerous personal achievements that include running marathons across the world, Ironman triathlon and solo swimming to Rottnest.
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
#75 Dr. Ann O’Neill – Transformation from extreme Trauma
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Learn from dealing extreme forms of trauma with Dr. Ann O’Neill, Founder of Angel Hands a non-for-profit provider of support and assistance to help people recover from extreme trauma. Ann shares how her own self-navigated road to recovery, from her own traumatic familicide exposure, in a pre-internet age lead to her study and the creation of Angel Hands to help others that have been thrust into a similar situation. Ann explains how when exposed to traumatic events some flail, some survive and some thrive; it is from this that she shares her empowering HOPE model of trauma recovery (Hero, Organiser, Pilgrim & Explorer). Bryn and Ann also discuss being ok with not being ok, the impact of choosing your self-identity labels, the pitfalls of over focusing on the ‘why’ to a traumatic event, the prevalence of domestic violence and familicide, and how there’s a big need for better models and case studies for post separation and co-parenting. While this may well seem like a ‘heavy’ topic, Ann is very inspiring to listen to and her sense of humour is infectious. It doesn’t take exposure to extreme trauma to takeaway and apply her messages and learnings to be all you can be.
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
#74 Amy White – Male and Female Energy
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Take a deep dive into the true nature of male and female energy, and how they interact, with transformation coach Amy White. This is a truly profound conversation that provides a deeper understanding to the underlying ebb and flow (or ‘storm’ and ‘rock’) that plays out in all relationships. Amy explains her journey to becoming a transformation coach and how she ended up on the stage for 3 hours with Tony Robins at his Date with Destiny event sharing the inner details of her dysfunctional relationships past and present. It was at this point she was confronted with the very real realisation that the only person responsible for all of this was herself as she was cycling through all her relationships with the same negative patterns - which she candidly shares. From this pivotal event Amy has taken responsibility for her journey, exploring many bodies of knowledge to better understand her own journey. It is this wisdom and learnings, some of which is shared in this conversation, that she draws on to serve and help others.
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
#73 Becky Felstead – Align to your impact
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Becky Flestead, former photo journalist and now Head Coach at Subiaco F45 gym shares her journey to finding her true impact in the world. Becky talks about her pride at landing her first photo journalist job and her desire to become a spot photo journalist, but how the reality and demands of this role conflicted with her true essence and impact. This realisation led to a real dark night of the soul period that Becky is very open about but through this she found her way to enrol to become a physical trainer and coach. It is through this new direction she has found her true impact and you can really feel it as you listen to her. This is a very engaging, energetic and insightful story that takes some bravery to share. It is also an absolute gold mine of life lessons about the journey towards the best version of you through focusing on the impact that you can share with the world.
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
#72 Jurgen Van Pletsen – Own your own shit and take responsibility!!
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Engross yourself with this energetic and, at times, confronting deep dive into the entrepreneurial mindset with mentor and business growth & marketing specialist Jurgen Van Pletsen. Jurgen shares his own entrepreneurial journey from school in South Africa to moving to Perth and how he’s continually expanded himself embracing successes and hard learning points. This conversation really cuts to the heart of the human essence of becoming the best we can be. Jurgen gets really fired up and shares his passion towards putting yourself out there into uncertainty, testing yourself and finding out what you’re made of as well as owning your own shit and taking responsibility for all aspects of life. Jurgen argues that you’ll never get the most out of life until you have tried building something for the benefit of others. This conversation isn’t for those who find it easier to blame external forces as Jurgen really typifies some of the core WA Real principles.